Friday, July 6, 2012

Buckinghorse River to Tetsa River Regional Park

Tuesday, July 3rd

Buckinghorse River to Tetsa River Regional Park

NOTE: Zoom out and pan to see our plotted route.

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We traveled 178 miles today, departing at 8:30am and arriving about 2 pm. It sort of surprises me how much we look forward to moving on. We never know what we are going to see and this day we were not disappointed.

Grizzly Bears

You can pretty much figure when there are a few cars or rigs pulled off the side of the road that critters are involved. This was a BIG surprise. Three grizzlies were munching by the side of the road. They were mama bear and her two yearling cubs. Unfortunately, by the time I got my camera out and turned on, mama had stepped behind the bushes. The pictures here are of the two youngsters. Just look at that tell-tale grizzly hump. I think it’s time to start wearing my bear bell.

Fort Nelson Heritage Museum

We stopped here to use the municipal dump and fill up with water. While Glen was doing the “chores” I stepped into the museum to take a quick look. They are known for their collection of old vehicles, along with history of the construction of the Alaska Highway. We also stopped in at the Visitors Center. What a nice facility that was. It was attached to their new Municipal Arena which includes an ice rink. It opened in fall of 2011.

Black Bear

We were the first travelers to sight this black bear. We pulled over and not long after another rig pulled in behind us. This bear was busily munching away on the tall grass. The mosquitoes were hovering over it and it just made me itch to watch.


  1. Once again beautiful pictures! You are doing a great job of transporting us along with you on your trip.
    Not feeling the bears or the mosquitos so much though, ha!
    Thanks & Love,
    Jan H.

  2. It is great that you add the map and we can see where you are at to where you have been and are going. It is a treat that you have posted all the pictures of the wildlife that you have seen and we know that there is more to come. Looks like the weather is pretty good...except for the Mosquitos. Have fun and stay safe!
